Introducing Mr and Mrs Miller!!!!

WOW!!!!!!  What a great wedding and a great couple. The wedding went off without a hitch the bride and her entourage look spectacular thanks to Felicity (

I have worked with Felicity on a few weddings now and countless photo shoots, and I can say with complete confidence that her work is always spectacular, so I wasn’t surprised that Caroline looked a million dollars and with that dress and million dollar smile…… OMG!!!!!!

I spent some time with the ladies while they were getting ready where was capturing the feelings and emotions that bubbled up inside but not sure if it was from excitement or just the champagne. 🙂

After an hour or so with the ladies I headed off to chase down the guys get some photos of them. Paul the groom seemed relatively calm…… But that was until the time got closer and closer. He was pacing around releasing a whole heap of nervous energy which is always good sign, and I must say he looked fantastic. It was really nice to see him dressed up and full of excitement for what was going to be a really special moment in his and Caroline’s life.

I received an SMS that the girls were on their way and in true photographer fashion I started marshalling people into their locations and with not a minute to spare. The bride was coming down the road as the groom was walking to the altar.

She got out of the vintage car, the sun was gleaming over her shoulder, hitting her veil which only increased the glow which is already radiating from within her.

The feeling of anticipation,as she gazed across the manicured lawns to see her future husband was just magical. It was really very touching and one I was able to capture.

Ceremony was lovely with a lot of heartfelt emotion and tears – and that was just me… 🙂

Before we knew it we had in front of us two people which arrived as a couple but were leaving as man and wife.

Mr and Mrs Miller
Mr and Mrs Miller
The couple meeting each other at the altar
The couple meeting each other at the altar
Gazing in anticipation at her future husband
Gazing in anticipation at her future husband
The long walk down the aisle
The long walk down the aisle

The Wedding Bells Are Ringing

Today’s the day where I not only get to go along and photograph, what will be a fantastic wedding, in the beautiful surrounds of Mount Stromlo, but it will also be the union between man and wife. The union that should not be taken lightly and is a lifelong commitment.

This union today has a special meaning, it is the union between one my longest friends and his beautiful partner. They both bring many things the party.  Kids, history, baggage, and dreams. Most importantly of all, they bring together the love and companionship, that such deep relationship has and can only be experienced us letting down our shields and guards that we use to protect ourselves.

To give up to someone completely and wholly is a special and rewarding feeling and something that cannot be underestimated. It brings a freedom and comfort that can not be found in any other way. The idea that someone has your back and will be with you from now until the day you die is such a touching feeling and one I hope to capture today.

I wish them all the best, as they deserve nothing less and they know…. that if they do falter I will be here to help them through this journey and I am their friend from now until the end of time.

Well it’s time for me to pack my bags, clean my cards, and ensure my lenses are without blemishes, as today is their special day and it is my job to make sure their memories, love and dreams are captured for an eternity.

Wedding bells are ringing
Wedding bells are ringing