Last night as you know I covered the fashion show held at the DLA Piper offices here in Canberra. This fashion show was put on and in support of the UNICEF global challenge in which Brodie Williams from the firm is participating.

It goes without saying that the event was a hit and raised much-needed funds for the charity but for me one of the highlights is when Brodie was addressing the audience and giving stories of what she is going to expect in her trip. She seemed little put off with the fact that she would have to be camping, and she hates camping but there will also be baboons that may or may not attack the group of walkers. Never fear some comfort was insured as they will be shadowed by two rifleman to ensure the safety and I was given the impression she wasn’t exactly sure what these rifleman would be doing. hahahahaha

One of the other things I noticed is that even though DLA Piper our law firm most of the people I spoke that worked for them actually had a personality. Ok Ok Ok I am only joking please don’t sue me…

In between the sets and for the entire show we had the talented drum assault bashing out their African tunes which I must say is very fitting considering the charity this event supporting.
I kept the crowd entertained with their unique style and at times getting the interaction of some the people watching the show. Dan Graetz is the group manager in the main lead and a must say his his small and enthusiasm was infectious, so thank you my man. 🙂

If you want to check out all the other photos they are now ready for viewing by clicking on the event link. Feel free to download and use these photos as you see fit and please support UNICEF in helping making this world a better place.
Of course if you need an event photographer here in Canberra on fact Sydney or Melbourne to cover your corporate event please feel free to drop me a line as I’m sure we can help out.