Latina Dance Australia Ball Behind the Lens – Boy what a night….

I covered that LDA (Latin Dance Australia) ball last night at NIDA and boy oh boy, what a performance.

The stage was fantastic, the lighting was awesome the sound was perfect but all that didn’t come close to quality of all the performances.

That should all be very proud and from what I saw and experienced late night I can see why LDA is the biggest Latin dance studio here is Sydney.

When people talked about LDA they spoke of being with their family, they spoke about being with their friends and the spoke about being at home.

This culture is very difficult to create and can only be created in the hearts and minds of the people that attend of a very loving and supportive environment.

It was really nice to see and be part of I feel very privileged and honoured to have been invites to such and event and experience.

Here is just a couple of shots from the 3000 or so images I took last night.





Now to have a quick shower and head off to the FATD souths competition that is running here at Sydney Olympic Park Sports center, where I can bring you some BHL of ballroom and Latin dances from all over Australia.

See you later and enjoy the Sydney weather as it’s going to be a fantastic day.



A moment in time

Part of being an event photographer is that I get to go to these really cool places, and capture all sorts of things, and one of those cool places I went to a few months ago was the Australian’s salsa open in Sydney.

There was a large event spread over three very long days, but they were fantastic days. I got to meet lots of people, make new friends and capture some really interesting shots. And this is just one of those.

Now I’m not sure how they got into this position or even how they got out of it, but it does make for an interesting action shot.

Boy that was close
Boy that was close