I can shoot horses

For those of you that don’t know I come from an equestrian photography background. I spent many hours both in arenas and on the track and to this day I haven’t yet been run over, injured but I was a one point a little bit taken back when a rider decided to come very close to me as I was seated on the ground.

And I must say if that’s the only thing that happened to me in the years I spent sitting around these animals, that is a good thing.

I was just flicking through some old photos and came across this one and thought I would share, as it shows the strength and confidence on the rider, and I think has a really nice feel to it.

Spring Zing 2014 – Photo are up and ready for purchase.

Have you been hanging out for the Spring Zing photo for 2014?

Well wait no longer as they are up and ready for intimidate purchase.

You can get to my on-line store by clicking on the link in the menu of the left hand side of the page.

There are also packages up there if you purchase 5 of the same size images and if you want to purchase over 10 images drop me a line and we can work out a special price.  wink wink.

Spring Zing 2014
Spring Zing 2014


Latina Dance Australia Ball Behind the Lens – Boy what a night….

I covered that LDA (Latin Dance Australia) ball last night at NIDA and boy oh boy, what a performance.

The stage was fantastic, the lighting was awesome the sound was perfect but all that didn’t come close to quality of all the performances.

That should all be very proud and from what I saw and experienced late night I can see why LDA is the biggest Latin dance studio here is Sydney.

When people talked about LDA they spoke of being with their family, they spoke about being with their friends and the spoke about being at home.

This culture is very difficult to create and can only be created in the hearts and minds of the people that attend of a very loving and supportive environment.

It was really nice to see and be part of I feel very privileged and honoured to have been invites to such and event and experience.

Here is just a couple of shots from the 3000 or so images I took last night.





Now to have a quick shower and head off to the FATD souths competition that is running here at Sydney Olympic Park Sports center, where I can bring you some BHL of ballroom and Latin dances from all over Australia.

See you later and enjoy the Sydney weather as it’s going to be a fantastic day.



Spring Zing for 2014

Spring Zing is done and dusted for another year and what an fantastic event it was.  With over 250 kids all dressed in fancy dress I had my work cut out for me as they lined up in a constant stream to get their photos taken.

It was super fan and with the music pumping next to my portable studio it really went off….

Now for those of you wanted to know when the photos will be up, the will take a week or so as I am out of town for the next 5 days in Sydney covering different events up there so I wont have time to get to them until I return but looking through them now, the will be worth the wait. 🙂

Here comes the paparazzi

Well, I must say it is a bit of a turn up for the books when someone actually wants me to show up as the paparazzi.

Yes, it is true, I am attending an event this evening where it was specifically requested that instead of me hiding in the shadows taking shots of the unsuspecting victims, that I show up in the form of the paparazzi.

It should be an interesting event and I hope to share more details with you later, right now I have to go along and packed my car so I can head off into the wild blue yonder and pop speedlights in a blinding fashion faster than Spiderman and shoots a web.

Wish me luck and I’ll see you on the other side.