Wee bit ago I had the opportunity to participate in a collaboration between myself, two models (Laurynn and Rhett) , a make-up artist – Jakki from “Makeup by Jacklyne”, Jaemi as our talented stylist from DayDream Styles and my lovely work experience assistant Emily.
Now the time of booking this photo shoot we kind of didn’t take into consideration the Canberra at this time of year gets very cold and on the very morning we shot this it was -6°. brrrrrrr
Me I was okay as I had thermals, gloves, beanie, double socks and not to mention a scarf and jacket. The poor models on the other hand were not so lucky and I must say they did a fantastic job considering it was extremely cold.

The make up artist was not faring so well as I was not sure she was really prepared for what was one of the coldest mornings we have had for a long time.
When I arrived on just before day break I cracked out my thermos with freshly made coffee and offered it around. To my surprise no one at that point wanted any, what I can say after they had stood in the cold for a few hours they were more than happy to have a cupa, even if it was just to hold the hot cup. hahahahaha
The same was true for the gloves I offered to the make up artist, at first she didn’t want them but after s bit she was okay with the offer..
I must say the photos turned out really nice and the stylist did a fantastic job. Her fiancee also needs to get an award for helping her set up the scene in the dark and freezing conditions before we showed up. 🙂

All in all it was a great day and you wouldn’t know looking at these photos that it was actually freezing!! That is the power of photography my friends…. 🙂
If you are interested in having a one-of-a-kind photo shoot for your wedding or engagement drop us a line and I’m sure we can make it something very special.