Have you ever wondered how I can extract such raw emotion???
The answer is so simple that you might just facepalm yourself..
I go there!!!! Yep… I know the RAW emotions that make up the images I want to create so I GO THERE!!!!!
I was on a shoot the other day when myself and the model were weeping….. For me to understand and get my subject to go to a place I have to be able to do it myself. Anyone that has worked with me on emotive shots will testify that it can be a mentally challenging experience. It takes a lot of energy to drag out the depths of your soul, let alone to do that in front of a camera, I must say results are spectacular.

Oh dear!!
Wow. Words defy me on this image. It makes my heart ache and want to ease my friends pain.
thanks Brendan! 😀
Thanks Rose Proffitt The reality behind this shot is that it took me to places I didn’t think or ever though I would go again.
When I say RAW emotion I dont think it gets any RAWer than this shot.
I thought you would like this Ferdinand Bote as we spoke about this on set last time.
I just cant look at it any more makes me cry 🙁
Winsome Abrams I get that… It makes me very emotional looking at it also. 🙁
it really breaks my heart that you have felt that much pain and emotion. I’ve been there and I admire and respect you so much for sharing, I don’t think I could have done it. Big hugs my friend
I did have a long string of snot off my nose but I figured that didnt look soo cool
Yup, I remember when you taught me that! 😀
I have always wondered how you captured all of that emotion…as palm hits face..i just want to reach out and hug you! <3
You still awake… 🙂 Thanks Ellen Young
Yes i just made us some Brownies…come on over i put the good stuff in them to help cheer you up!! 🙂 lol…j/k but i did make some brownies!!
This is where we need a teleporter
Nice I like good stuff in brownies…
I meant Nut’s Ha! What were you guy’s thinking!! LOL!!
Yeah we meant umm nuts too
I was thinking hash but hey..
Sad to see. Hope you see lots of joy in the future. Would much prefer to see a super happy shot x
ha ha ha Dayna Gordon… 🙂 Thanks. Yeah happy shots are sooo easy to come by.. in fact I think I have around 238,942 of them… and 1 of these… 🙂
I had a friend in College, from Rome who used to smoke Hash everyday! lol…we became good friends…lol…never saw her again….She must be in Hash heaven…or back in Rome….Doing like the Roman’s Do…Oh maybe i should have gone to sleep…he he he he
I wonder what Wendy Young would look like??
Good to hear 🙂
wow…..bro….you got me thinking..and feeling things id rather not feel any more…a truely great photo..
Your a funny bastard See Myshell…. Yes I do wonder… Hey Wendy Young maybe you can share a photo or two.. ?
Thank you my friend Stephen Wilde. I think we need a few drinks on the weekend if you are not working?
bro..im not working this weekend and no horse stuff…yeah…would be great to “do” a few bourbons..i’ll call ya..you good for sat or sunday??
Stephen Wilde Sat is good my friend. Sunday is shit as monday follows.. ha ha ha
A wonderful shot.
cool…like ya thinking too…sat it is…i’ll be in touch….lol..do you have ice
I have a 720ltr fridge that makes ice…. Oh how I am disappointed how you doubt me…
uummm…yeah…sorry bro..lol
Wow brendan very touching photo , looks like you have lived a thousand lives in this pic 🙁
I have….
What were you thinking?
Camella Camenzuli do you really want to know?
Well when you say things like that I probably don’t but I have to wonder as the face on the whole looks one thing but the eyes taken on their own say another.
Camella Camenzuli… Lets play a little game of…. “Whats in brendans head?”
I’ve never been good at games….but I’ll go for ” I want people to see “What you see is what you get””. And you wnated the image to be as symmetrical as possible. Just guessing for all I know you could have been thinking… “Damn…suddenly I want to pee.”
ha ha ha Lets just say I didnt want to pee.
You really need to dig deep… drag out the emotions that you never wanted to show or let loose… Its hard I know… I have many people try and do it an most fail… I have only had one that went there and she was talking and reliving how her mum died from Cancer and how she lived her last day and last few breaths…
Its hard and raw… It take guts and pure emotion… it hurts and it pains but we all have it… We all suffer form it and we all feel like this photo at some point
Amazing photography cuz. How did you get eyes like that????? Most talented man I know. Mwah. Xo if you do need a big hug though let me know, I have inspector gadget arms. 😉
I would love inspector gadget arms..
well the answer to the eyes is easy… I cried like a baby for at least 2 hours.
You always amaze me like that…. You recorded it.
🙂 I am sure you can agree I dont think emotions should not be hidden away Tash Battersby We all have them and we all have good day and we all have bad. So why do we always capture the happy faces when in reality we all look like this at some point…. Ok Ok maybe with more hair and less beard but you get the point… lol
Maybe that’s what I see, sadness (in the eyes) but no weakness.
This makes me sad.
Camella Camenzuli what an interesting insight. How did you come up with that?
Laura De Angelis It makes me incredibly sad also, more than you can imagine. 🙁
but its true life.
No I agree it definitely shouldn’t be, but as you will probably agree sometimes the judgement is harsh. So unbelievably proud of you for this photo. your Self portraiture has always stood out for me. 🙂
hard day at work?
Yes you could say that… 🙂
I don’t know you well but looking at the photo I see a stoic face, the jaw set a little aggresively against what might come next and sad eyes that still can look people (or camera) straight in the eye. For me the strength in the fave overrides the sadness…sorry if I have it wrong.
🙂 art and photos is all about interpretations and what is in the viewer eyes… So there is no wrong or right answer here. 🙂
What else do you see?
You were angry to weren’t you?
Amazing, thank you so much for sharing. Great shot and amazing advice i’ll hold with me!
Camella Camenzuli are you saying I looked angry?
My pleasure Faith Kayla Roberts
Yes I think so.
Camella Camenzuli do angry people have their mouths down like mine was?
I love this photo Brendan, thank you for sharing
My pleasure Karen Gillingham I am glad you like it.
What are you going to do with this photo?
Nothing. It will sit in the rest of the 732,928 images I have
What do you sugest?
a spell check is one suggestion
mmmm How does fuck you sound mr english teacher Hamish Sinclair ha ha ha
a shaver then?
a wash?
a haircut lol
a suit?
and stop looking the mirror
And that is why I like you Hamish Sinclair
Brendan…this pic has affected me deeply because I know you, but I have never seen this raw side of you as you call it. I can honestly say this image has made me cry. I miss you and all I want to do is hug you. It’s disturbing and has stirred up some of my own raw stuff like the reality of loneliness.
It is a quality image and if you can treat it purely as that I think it would be a wonderful image to put into a competition like the Moran Contemporary Photography Prize, National Portrait Prize…just an idea. I see it huge on a big white wall.
Lily Troupe I must admit I have known you for a long time. 15+ years I guess.
It was a very tough image to take but I knew I was going to make it public. Most of us hide behind life and do not touch the inner pain that comes with life…… so for me I had no choice but to capture the incredible pain I was in.
I must admit no one has ever seen me like this, not even my daughter but it is important to know that we all feel like shit… we all fuck up and we all just wan to die.
for me this image says lots of thing. It says I need a shave… lol.
i see it as really small but reproduced a 1000 times and shaded to reproduce the same image in totality , like fine grain lol
Yes Brendan, but I haven’t ‘known’ you until this present moment.
WTF Hamish Sinclair you drunk… ha ha ha
i wish just bored and this is better n TV
Lily Troupe there is a lot to know know about me… lol
in reality I am complex like most people, i just move a little different to most and carry baggage than most.
This is a link to this years winner and the other 45 entries. Seriously your image makes 90 percent of the entries look lame….http://www.portrait.gov.au/images/16872/national-photographic-portrait-prize-2014
Do you remember this? Has anyone told you how much you’re loved lately? You know the answer.
Rather than waste good choc use photos http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2657078/The-perfect-Fathers-Day-present-Wills-Artist-creates-portrait-The-Duke-Cambridge-baby-George-TOBLERONE.html
see not drunk or mad
Camella Camenzuli they closed their comp for nextt year the other day. Or I might of submitted this image
That baggage – what do you want to do with it? Sell it? Hold on to it, or release it? Free yourself.
Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. Dr Seuss
There is always next year.
Lily Troupe… No… I havent been told that I have been love or am loved for some time
Janee Williams Nice words
Yes you have, you’ve forgotten obviously.
Camella Camenzuli the interesting thing about next year is that I might be in the same boat as you…. No dancing 🙁
Lily Troupe please tell me… Its been a rough day.
Have a look at your messages.
My boat took a detour and now there will be dancing…lots of it. So you never know where you’ll find yourself. Come to a comp or two you’ll be greated like a long lost relative. And as for entering the image in a comp next year there isn’t a time limit on it’s impact.
🙂 Camella Camenzuli the thing with me is that its t business. No support, no business. No me… 🙁
The ache lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go. It’s healthy to take moments, feel it and then leave it be until next time.
Insightful. You single? We all have to deal with shit in our lives. the important thing is how we deal with it.
I am kind of in touch with me feels…. well I think so anyways..
Oh well there’s always FB….after all look at this thread.
You’re looking old man.
Brendan this is an amazing image. I am at a loss for words, really well done. <3
Wow! This is a very powerful image…sad but powerful.
Rare to see such an authentic emotion in a portrait piece. Thanks for sharing and from the thread there are obviously a lot of people whose lives have been touched by you. I don’t have brownies of any type, so sending you a virtual hug instead.
Hello there mr Peter Ridley
Thanks Tracy Williams. You have seen a lot of my images over the years I am sure. This image was a tough one to take.
Would you believe that I only took the one image? The focus is out a bit I must admit but considering I guessed the focus I was surprised it was very close, especially at f2.8
How you going btw? You sell that camera
Michelle Gillen Blackford it does have a bit of kick to it doesn’t it. It was incredibly sad and hard to take especially because it makes me happy to take photos. 🙂
Sheila White Guevin yes it is rare. People don’t like to see if feel like that, which isn’t a bad thing, but at some point in our lives we all do and it is important to capture that.
You know from our coaching sessions my thoughts on capturing emotion and how it can be captured in people, so it is good for me to be able to share my personal experiences with you in this manner.
I like hugs and brownies. Thank you.
How are you going btw?
Incredible photo Brendan. You are a gifted man and I hope you don’t stay in that place for too long. I don’t know you in person but I know you are loved.
Thanks. I hope so also, as its a dark place that is scattered with the rotting bodies of the past and where the evil within hides. It’s a place that we all have on some level and a place that can draw you in and never let you go.
Be kind to yourself man 🙂
Cheers. I do try and I have a head ache to prove it. Lol
Well, maybe less indulgent and more kind then lol
What’s the difference???? Lol
Oh I don’t know…..one doesn’t give you a headache I guess lol
Mmmmmm I see…. I might have to have a look at that
You did a fantastical job on guessing the focus 🙂 No my husband talked me out of selling it and into do another 365 project next year lol. It just seemed silly having such an expensive camera for what I do with photos, however I would be sad if I sold my dream camera. 🙂
If you need to talk im here
Thanks Chris Weatherall greatly appreciated.
Can I just personally thank everyone that posted and liked this image. 🙂
I really do appreciate the support, and it appears from the comments and the private messages that this image stirred a lot of emotion in a lot of people.
It has only been greeted with positive comments both here and other places which it was posted. So thank you all.
Oh just in case you were wondering…. All is good in the world..