Well after what was a very very busy week for me catching up on 1,000’s of photos not only from the National Capital DanceSport Championships (NCDC) but the Australian Salsa Open in Sydney the week before I have now processed and uploaded the photos for the National Capital DanceSport Championships (NCDC) Saturday competition to my on-line store. YEAH…
This year I wanted to do something different than last year, I wanted to put some effort in creating some truly outstanding images. Images that really showed the feeling of dance to the rest of the world..
I wanted to show the beauty and glamour of such a sport and bring in a touch of class to my images.
For me to do this I had to concentrate on the quality of the image so unfortunately as part of that I was not able to capture everyone and only a select few that came appeared in the picture that I had created in my head. So if I didn’t manage to capture you, I am truly sorry.
If you did miss out or want to ensure I capture you at the next event you can pre-book a photographic package that will ensure that I am there to capture every move and you will get images of your performance but in in a different style that will make you not only stick out from the crowd but give you something to cherish for generations to come.
Now sit back and go order some photos from my on-line store!!!! 🙂